
The Fruitloving Snake

Game Description

This program is my fourth implementation of the snake game, written for Unix and X11. Previous versions were written for MS-DOS (get Snake3 if you want to, it looks just the same).

Move the snake around the screen and eat food. The snake grows in length as you eat. Avoid hitting the fence, eating lethal mushrooms and rotten food, and biting your own tail.

Now and then a slim-pill will bounce around. If you eat this, you will get shorter, and you will gain bonus points for every length you loose. The bonus is also given when a round is over.

When food starts blinking, it's about to rot. Rotten food is poisonous, and thus uneatable. As long as it blinks, it can still be eaten.

Oh, yes - I almost forgot: You may be visited by the evil headbanger. Take my advice and run away from him before he hits you in the head! He won't stay long.

snake4 features a site-wide highscore file. Each user may appear once only in the highscore table.

Screen Shots

Intro Screen Playing Screen


You may download the game from my Software for Unix/Linux page.

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$Id: snake4.html.m4,v 1.3 2003-05-24 10:06:39 sverrehu Exp $